Polluted Water

We will discuss here what bad habits make the water polluted.

As water is a good solvent of many things, it can very easily become polluted. Since we use water for drinking purposes, we must save it from being polluted.

In cities, dirty water from drains and sewers goes to the nearest rivers. The dirty water from industrials areas is also flown into rivers. In villages, dirt and filth goes directly into pond water. Even animals are washed in the ponds. Quite often they urinate and discharge dung there. Sometimes dead bodies are also thrown in the river. Water animals like fish, frog, etc. die in the water and keep decaying there. Usually villagers go for faecal discharge near ponds or rivers.  They sometimes wash and clean their utensils and dirty clothes in the water of ponds and rivers. These bad habits make the water polluted.

Polluted water is very harmful for health. If dirty and polluted water is allowed to stagnate, it becomes a source of mosquitoes and germs of diseases. Mosquitoes spread malaria and some other diseases. Germs of jaundice, typhoid, dysentery and cholera are also found in dirty water. If we use such dirty water for bathing and drinking we may fall ill. So, we must be cautious about the water we use and strictly avoid using dirty water. 

Fourth Grade

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