This topic will deal with problems on multiplication of decimal fractions. It will help us to understand multiplication of decimal fractions with the help of problems or story sums. The multiplication of decimal fractions will be presented to the learners in form of story sums and hence students are required to write statement for each sum along with doing the multiplication.
Here are few examples on problems on multiplication of decimal fractions:
1. Jenny purchased 15 books for $ 4.85 each. Find the cost of 15 books purchased by Jenny.
Cost of each book = $4.85
Cost of 15 books = $4.85 × 15
Therefore the cost of 15 books is $ 72.75
Here the cost of each book is given and we are required to find out the cost of 15 such books.. Here 485 is multiplied with 15 ignoring the decimal point.
2. Jennifer can cover 25.25 km in 1 hour by his car. Find the distance covered by Jennifer in 6 hours.
Distance covered in 1 hour = 23.25 km
Distance covered in 6 hours = 23.25 km × 6
Therefore, the distance covered in 6 hours is 139.50 km
Here the distance covered by Jennifer by car in 1 hour is given. In order to find the distance covered by him in 6 hours, 23.25 km is multiplied by 6 ignoring the decimal point.
3. 50.65 m of cloth is required for making skirts for Alice. Find the length of cloth required for making 20 such skirts
Length of cloth required to make 1 skirt = 5 0 . 6 5
Length of cloth required to make 20 skirts = 50.65 × 20
Length of clothe required to make 20 skirts = 1013 m
We have to multiply the length of cloth required to make 1 skirt with 20 to get the total length of cloth required to make 20 skirts. Hence we will multiply 50.65 by 20 ignoring the decimal point.
4. A type writer can type 535 words in 1 hour. If in his duty hours is 6.5 hours. Find the no. of words typed by the type writer in 6.5 hours.
No. of words typed in 1 hour = 535 words
No. of words typed in 6 hours = 535 × 6.5 words
No. of words typed in 1 hour is given hence we need to multiply 535 by 6.5 (ignoring the decimal point) to get the no. of words typed by the type writer in 6.5 hours.
5. For the picnic each student contributed $50.50 each. If there are 34 students, find the total amount of money collected.
Amount contributed by each student = $ 50.50
Total no. of students = 34
Total amount of money collected = $ 50.50 × 34
Each student contributed $50.50 and there are 34 students. Hence $50.50 is multiplied by 34 to find the contribution of 34 students for the picnic.
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