Subject and Predicate

We will learn about the subject and predicate of a sentence. A sentence is a meaningful group of words. 

Let us read these sentences and identify what the sentences are about.

1. The car is black in color.

(here the sentence is about ‘the car’)

2. The nurse gave me an injection.

(here the sentence is about ‘the nurse’)

3. David loves ice-cream.

(here the sentence is about ‘David’)

4. The dog barked at the stranger.

(here the sentence is about ‘the dog’)

5. Birds fly.

(here the sentence is about ‘Birds’)

So, in the above examples we see that every sentence says us about someone or something, and what they did. Thus, a sentence can be divided into two parts. They are subject and a predicate.

What is a subject of a sentence?

Subject is a part of the sentence that tells us a person or a thing. 

For example:

1. The car is black in color.

2. The nurse gave me an injection.

3. David loves ice-cream.

4. The dog barked at the stranger.

5. Birds fly.

What is a predicate of a sentence?

Predicate is a part of the sentence that tells us what is spoken or said about the subject.

For example:

1. The car is black in color.

2. The nurse gave me an injection.

3. David loves ice-cream.

4. The dog barked at the stranger.

5. Birds fly.

In detail, Subject means the person who is doing the work. When a sentence is asked questions with 'who or which' then we get subject. Similarly when a sentence is asked questions with 'what or where' then we get predicate.

Suppose for example: Ram goes to the market.

(Who goes?) Ram goes (subject).

(Where goes?) Market (predicate)

The subject is the naming part. The predicate is the telling part. The subject is always noun, pronoun & qualifying words like noun. Sometimes an adjective is also a subject

The Predicate of the sentence is always a verb, may be alone or may not be alone. Predicate sometimes having a verb with a group of words. Predicate or object part having   finite verb, compliments, adverbials and modifiers.

Thus, the subject and the predicate make the sense of a sentence complete.

English Grammar and Composition

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